Gain a competitive advantage with advanced AML solutions powered by AI and ML  

2021 was a blockbuster year for the regulators. An estimated $ 2.7 billion was  raised in fines or anti-money laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) violations in the first half of 2021 itself. The number of institutions that were fined quadrupled from 24 in 2020 to 80 in 2021.

There was a diverse list of defaulters last year, something not seen earlier.  

  • There was a bank holding company specializing in credit cards, auto loans, banking, and saving accounts.
  • A fintech that achieved phenomenal growth for trading
  • A cryptocurrency platform 
    All failed to meet AML compliance standards and were fined.
  • Credit Suisse, the Global Investment Bank, was another major defaulter.

All this is an indication that the regulators’ tolerance for default is very limited.

And secondly, the variance in defaulter listing also indicates once and for all that the ambit for AML breaches has widened. No longer confined to the big banks only, post covid-19 all financial institutions must comply with the new reforms enforced by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), Financial Action Task Force (FATF), and Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) or face the heat.  

What are the key challenges that banks and fintechs face regarding AML compliance?

Considering that AML observance is mandatory why do banks and financial institutions fail to comply with the standards repeatedly? The biggest challenge remains the overt reliance on outdated systems and processes and manual labor. The others we have enumerated below. 

  • Lack of a gold standard for data. Sources of data have grown exponentially and the formats in which they are found have diversified over the years. Further, the widespread use of digital currency has increased the risks of money laundering phenomenally.
  • Outdated and incomplete documentation: Data has grown prolifically. This makes customer profiling and integrating data from multiple sources more demanding than ever before. In the absence of automation, it becomes a time-consuming exercise. Most systems used for AML processing are extremely limited in scope and cannot scale as rapidly as desired or have clarity in terms of data accuracy.
  • Gaps/flaws in AML-IT infrastructure and false positives: As evident in the instances of NatWest which risked censure for failing to make their systems robust, failure to raise timely alerts could be expensive. However, if the AML systems are not able to distinguish between illegal and legitimate transactions and notify good transactions as well, it loses its veracity. False positives result in duplication of effort and resultant wastage of time.     
  • External factors such as WFH and digitization: Rapid advance in digitization and WFH culture post the coronavirus pandemic has increased the threat landscape. Sophisticated means for money laundering like structuring and layering (adopted by criminals/frauds) require exceptional intelligence. However, many of the existing systems are not able to distinguish between illegal and legal transactions, let alone spot activities such as smurfing, where small cash deposits are made by different people. 
  • Human factors: When firms are dependent on manual labor, they will face certain typical problems. One of them is the late filing of suspicious activity reports (SAR). Then there is the case of bias and employee conflict of interest. We have the example of NatWest being fined £265 million where employee bias was evident in the laundering of nearly £400 million.
  • Investment: Newer and tougher AML reforms call for investment in technology as existing systems are not sophisticated enough. But with the volatility in the market continuing unabated and worsening geopolitical crisis, that is tough.

Simplifying the Complexity of Compliance with Magic FinServ

Magic FinServ brings efficiency and scalability by automating AML operations using Magic DeepSightTM.

Magic DeepSightTM is an extremely powerful tool that on the one hand extracts data from relevant fields in far less time than before and on the other checks and monitors for discrepancies from a plethora of complex data existing in diverse formats and raises alerts in a timely manner. Saving you fines for late filing of suspicious activity report (SAR) and ensuring peace of mind.

Customer due diligence: Before onboarding a new customer as well as before every significant transaction, banks and financial institutions must ascertain if they are at substantial risk for money laundering or dealing with a denied party.However, conductingchecks manually prolongs the onboarding and due diligence process, and is the leading cause of customer resentment and client abandonment.

We simplify the process and make it smoother and scalable. Our solution is powered by AI and RPA which makes the AML process more efficient in monitoring, detecting, reporting, and investigating money laundering and fraud along with compliance violations across the organization.

Magic DeepSightTM scours through the documents received from the customer during the onboarding process for onboarding and due diligence. These are verified against external sources for accuracy and for establishing credibility. Information is compared with credit bureaus to establish credit scores and third-party identity data providers to verify identity, Liens, etc.

Sanctions/Watchlist screening: One of the most exhaustive checks is the sanctions or the watchlist screening which is of paramount importance for AML compliance. The OFAC list is an extremely comprehensive list, that looks for potential matches on the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List and on its Non-SDN Consolidated Sanctions List.  

Magic FinServ simplifies sanctions compliance. Our powerful data extraction machine and intelligent automation platform analyze tons of data for watchlist screening, with the least possible human intervention. What could take months is accomplished in shorter time spans and with greater accuracy and reduced operational costs.

Transactions monitoring: As underlined earlier, there are extremely sophisticated means for carrying out money laundering activities.

One of them is layering, where dirty money is sneaked into the system via multiple accounts, shell companies, etc. The Malaysian unit of Goldman Sachs was penalized with one of the biggest fines of 2020 for its involvement in the 1MBD scandal, where several celebrities were the beneficiaries of the largesse of the fund. This was the first time in its 151-year-old history that the behemoth Goldman Sachs had pleaded guilty to a financial violation. It was fined $ 600 million. The other is structuring where instead of a lump sum deposit (large), several smaller deposits are made from different accounts.

Magic DeepSightTM can read the transactions from the source and create a client profile and look for patterns satisfying the money laundering rules.

Reducing false positives: Magic DeepSightTM uses machine learning to get better in the game of distinguishing legal and illegal transactions in time. As a result, businesses can easily affix rules to lower the number of false positives which are disruptive for business.

KYC: KYC is a broader term that includes onboarding and due diligence and ensuring that customers are legitimate and are not on Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) or sanctions lists. Whether it is bank statements, tax statements, national ID cards, custom ID cards, or other unique identifiers, Magic DeepSightTM facilitates a compliance-ready solution for banks and fintechs. You not only save money, but also ensure seamless transactions, reduce the incidences of fraud, and not worry about poor customer experience.           

What do you gain when you partner with Magic FinServ?

  • Peace of mind
  • Streamlined processes
  • Comprehensive fraud detection
  • Minimum reliance on manual, less bias 
  • Cost efficiency and on-time delivery
  • Timely filing of SAR 

The time to act is now!

The costs of getting AML wrong are steep. The penalties for non-compliance with sanctions are in millions. While BitMex and NatWest have paid heavy fines – BitMex paid $ 100 million in fines, others like Credit Sussie suffered a serious setback in terms of reputation. Business licenses could be revoked. Firms also stand to lose legit customers when the gaps in their AML processes get exposed. No one wants to be associated with financial institutions where their money is not safe.

The astronomical AML fines levied by regulators indicate that businesses cannot afford to remain complacent anymore. AML fines will not slowdown in 2022 as the overall culture of compliance is poor and the existing machinery is not robust enough. However, you can buck the trend and avoid fines and loss of reputation by acting today. For more about our AML solutions download our brochure and write to us at

2022, began with a cautionary note. Stocks slumped and inflation spiked to unprecedented levels worldwide. There was massive disruption of the supply chain due to the pandemic. Just when we thought the worst was over, the breadbasket of Europe, Ukraine was drawn into a devastating war. The uncertainties and geopolitical tensions had a massive impact on the world’s economy – best reflected in the volatility of the stock markets.

It is clear that we are going through uncertain times. That the uncertainties will continue for a long time to come is definite. How must organizations then preempt the challenges lying ahead? What is the key to survival?

In this blog, we’ll attempt to answer these. But first, let us take stock of the primary challenges that organizations will face in 2022. For many, survival will depend on how they tackle the challenges mentioned below.

Key challenges 2022

1. Limited budget and spend: Faced with revenue and growth uncertainties, organizations are limiting spend on non-critical areas. While technology is a leveler, to make the best use of the dollars spent on technology, you must ensure that the processes are optimized first by investing in areas that deliver quick wins rather than aiming for the moonshot.

2. Great attrition and the battle for brains: With more than 19 million American workers quitting their jobs since April 2021, the disruption is massive. But holding on to low- talent employees isn’t effective in the long run.

3. Managing support function: With the WFH culture, the demands on the support function have increased exponentially. Fortunately, most of the time-consuming, repetitive, work in accounts payable, loans processing, KYC, AML, and onboarding can be handled more accurately and cost-effectively with AI and ML, and RPA.

4. Ensuring compliance in WFH: We have seen how the organization’s reputation takes a hit when it falls prey to data breaches as well as compliance failures as was the case with Uber and Panera Bread, where employee carelessness resulted in data breaches. However, an effective cloud strategy and cloud risk management approach navigates risks and improves customer experience. All by driving a collaborative ecosystem.

5. Getting data right: Surveys indicate that nearly a quarter of firms are concerned about fragmented and unreliable data. Though the amount of data has increased manifold times, it is unwieldy and of poor quality.

5. Getting rid of silos – integrating fast: Today one of the biggest problems with data is its existence in silos. You want to make your data useful; you will have to clean it up and structure it. You want to migrate to the cloud; you’d have to know how to make it cost- effective.

2022 would require Enterprises to Adapt, Consolidate, Reinforce with AI, ML, and the Cloud

Data, it is evident, will be playing a defining role in 2022. Whether it be for creating a strong governance framework, or for consolidating systems, data, and processes, or promoting a risk- averse culture. So,

  • Organizations must act fast and consolidate and reinforce their key capabilities
  • They must become agile and nimble – and learn how to manage their data faster than the others.
  • In a highly leveraged world with a fractured supply chain, organizations must get rid of multiple and disparate systems – the silos. They must integrate their processes. This cannot be done without bridging the silos and ensuring last mile process automation.

Magic FinServ: Making Enterprises Agile, Responsive, and Integrated with its IT Services Catalogue, Last Mile Process Automation, and DeepSightTM

Magic FinServ’s unique capabilities centered around data and analytics and the IT services catalog bring a differentiated flavor to the table and reinforce the organization’s key capabilities while navigating the challenges of data management, broken tech stacks, and scalability.

Our core competence is data while leveraging our cloud and automation capabilities: McKinsey estimates that many time-consuming and repetitive processes like accounting operations, payments processing, KYC and onboarding, and AML along with strategic functions like financial controlling and reporting, financial planning and analysis, treasury will have to be automated. Magic FinServ with its focus on data will be strategic to this initiative.

Comprehensive IT services catalog: We focus on multiple needs whether it be advisory, or cloud management and migration, platform engineering, production support, or quality engineering, DevOps and Automation, production support in an integrated manner to help our customers, whether it be fintech’s or financial institutions, modernize their platforms and Improve Time and Cost to Market.

Domain experience: The fintech and financial institutions’ business landscape is highly complex and diverse. This has been serviced through customized solutions which often create fragmentation and silos. With firms strategically focusing on which core competencies to fortify, you will need a partner that understands the complexities of your focus areas. We bring to the table a rare combination of financial services domain knowledge and new-age technology skills to give you a competitive advantage.

Speedy delivery, minimum dependence on manual effort: From our recent experiences, we know that excessive reliance on manually operated support functions is costly. Our comprehensive last mile process automation tool, Magic DeepSight TM , expedites the time required to turn mountainous data into insights, while meeting regulatory standards and ensuring compliance, with minimum human intervention.

Tailored solutions for financial institutions and fintech: Whether it is a KYC, AML, loans processing, expense management, the AI optimization framework utilizes structured and unstructured data to build tailored solutions that reduce the need for human intervention.

Recover costs quicker than the others: For firms worried about spiraling costs, or having no budget allocated for automation and optimization, our solutions, with a payback period of less than a year can be a huge game changer.

Introducing Magic DeepSight TM

Compliance-ready solutions: What organizations need today are compliance-ready solutions, as they can no longer afford to invest in building one. Our compliance-ready solution for KYC and onboarding is built for broker-dealers, custodians, corporates, fund admins, investment managers, and service providers and is in accordance with industry guidelines and local, national, and international laws.

Ensuring last mile process automation by speedily bringing all disparate processes into one environment. It is observed that when fintech scales, its IT system is put under immense pressure. As a result, organizations have to deal with disruption. Additional staff are then hired. Increasing costs. With our focus on cloud capability and automation and data-focused services we are in a position to facilitate the last mile process automation. Thereby bridging the gap that still exists in our daily workarounds. Also, DeepSight TM , a Magic FinServ platform with AI/ML and RPA at its heart, automates and integrates last mile business processes for improved user experience and enhanced benefits realization.

A precursor of tough times: Act Fast, Act Now!

The current situation is a precursor of tough times ahead. Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan, said in his annual address to shareholders last year, banks and Financial Institutions needed to adopt new technologies such as artificial intelligence and cloud technology “as fast as possible.”

So, the time to act is now. We understand your problems, and we have a solution to address those. For more information write to us or visit our website for a comprehensive overview of what we do.

When organizations migrate to the cloud, they do so because the cloud promises agility, scalability, and above all cost optimization. Instead of paying upfront (Capex) for server costs and for software that is not in use, the cloud’s flexible/Opex pricing model (pay-as-you-go) ensures that organizations only pay for the resources they consume.

But organizations are in for a rude awakening, when they find themselves mired in escalating costs. The reality of cloud transition is not all rosy. Not all cloud transitions translate into cost optimization. In real life experiences we have seen that it has proved to be a costly affair. There are three reasons why the costs escalate: 

  1. The lack of visibility regarding resource utilization. Organizations often pay the cloud service provider for resources that they are not consuming.
  2. There are idle resources. Idle resources are an unnecessary burden and add to the costs.
  3. Though the cloud is ubiquitous with new and emerging technologies, it is a specialized domain requiring expert opinion and not everyone gets it right.

Hence, there is a need to plan out the roadmap and consult with the experts to optimize cloud costs. What can you do?

Step 1# Consult the experts

You need to consult the experts who have years of experience in the domain.With our Magic FinServ Cloud Team learn how to optimize costs (cloud cost optimization). It makes no sense to do it yourself, as it is time-consuming and takes up precious resources.

What is cloud optimization?

Cloud cost optimization is a process whereby organizations figure out how to reserve capacity to avail higher discounts and optimize costs by identifying all resources that are mismanaged, idle, or redundant (temporary spin-offs) by consolidating or terminating them as the need be instead.

Why do you need experts like us?

  • Overall, the migration journey whether it be of enterprise infrastructure, applications, or workloads, they are complex processes. There are numerous regulations that must be adhered to, and privacy and data security are mandatory.
  • With the FinTechs struggling to find a foothold and the banks and dealing with disruptive times and increased regulatory requirements, planning the journey on one’s own is a handful.
  • It takes an expert like Magic FinServ with years of experience in the financial domain and several successful cloud migrations to its credit to decode what is best for the business while ensuring quick ROI.
  • While optimizing costs, our team also works continually towards reducing risk – another key variable to be kept in mind while planning the cloud journey. 
  • Lastly, why waste your resources on work that can be outsourced?       

In this blog, our team have identified how banks and financial institutions can optimize their cloud costs, beginning with the setting up of a common agenda involving people and processes to eliminate waste and misuse, and how Magic FinServ helps accelerate the digital transformation project.

Step 2 # Assemble a “tiger” team

Now that the importance of getting the experts on board has been delineated, time to assemble the tiger team.

What is the tiger team? 

In one of the blogs: Cloud cost optimization: principles for lasting success, Justin Lerma and Pathik Sharma, from Google Cloud, have talked about the importance of setting up a tiger team for brainstorming how to go about with cloud cost optimization. A tiger team is a high-profile team of experts with expertise in specialized and interlinked domains who come together for resolution of a specific problem.

Do you know about Magic FinServ’s tiger team and cloud economics?

At the core of Magic FinServ’s success stories are its team of experts (our tiger team comprising of myself Giten with my cloud team) and cloud economics.

  • Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) propelling innovation and change: Magic FinServ has assembled the best professionals from the finance and technology domains to ensure excellent outcomes for the client’s business every time. Whether it is structuring support teams or building processes from scratch, Magic FinServ’s Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) is at the center of it all. Our team take clients through a structured process journey, often helping them become compliant with the various quality and security standards as well.  
  • Multidisciplinary team tuned in to client’s unique need: The CCoE is a centralized team. It comprises stakeholders who take care of the financial, operational, and security and compliance aspects. The CCOE plays a key role in aligning the client’s business needs and vision with a well-defined strategy in tune with enterprise-wide standards and best practices. In the process, enabling clients to gain an edge. In order to optimize costs, our cloud team of experts access and evaluate the current pattern of usage and the feature set of applications that are most prominently used to find opportunities. Our compliance and cloud security managers ensure that all regulatory obligations are met.
  • An extremely client-centric ethos: As Lerma and Sharma have reiterated in their article, all stakeholders involved in the journey must hold full accountability and ensure transparency and visibility for lasting success. For when it comes to designing the set of standards for “desired service-level profitability, reliability, and performance” there are several tools and techniques for ensuing cost optimization, but ultimately, it’s the organization’s ethos that makes a difference.  With our client-centric ethos and our unwavering thrust towards innovation and security, our team ensures that your needs for accountability, transparency, and visibility are met.

Step 3 # Choose the right service provider for your requirement

It is the lure of paying-as-you-go, the OpEx model of pricing that is considered as one of the reasons why the transition to cloud is supposed to be cheaper as opposed to having deal with servers on-prem. And indeed, cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure have a pay-as-you-go pricing model for the hundreds of cloud services being offered by them. Choosing the right service provider is another key element to be taken care of while transitioning to the cloud.  With Magic Finserv experienced team, you can be sure of which service provider is best for you.

Step 4 # Identify mismanaged resources and eliminate idle resources 

There are several reasons that organizations get it all wrong and end up with inflated bills.

  • This could be due to oversight or lack of visibility. For example, instances can be rendered idle or unused when a temporary server is created by the developer for a specific task, who then forgets to switch it off. As a result, organizations are still paying a hefty amount even if they are no longer using the resource. One common operational challenge is when SIT/UAT projects are over, but resources are not released. It can be easily tackled through our cloud team by remembering to turn off SIT, UAT, DR environments when not in use.
  • Let’s take another scenario where the business unintentionally pays for services that are free. Had they been aware, organizations could have easily optimized costs by using the free services provided by the cloud service provider. 
  • Yet another way to optimize costs is by consolidating resources that are not gainfully utilized. Take for an instance, if a bank or financial institution is only using a CPU utilization level of 5%, it makes no sense to pay for cent percent for that computing instance usage. Our team can minimize costs with proper tagging of resources, by monitoring them and raising alerts when these are not properly utilized.
  • Another way to optimize costs by terminating idle resources is heat maps. Heat map is a data visualization technique that predicts when there is maximum or minimum computing demand. Heat maps eliminate waste significantly, as businesses can switch off servers when they are idle. Our cloud experts at Magic FinServ can guide you with regards to cost savings and also help in deciding the tools for maximum cost-efficiency.   

How Magic FinServ reduced cloud costs for a client with robust governance practices and discipline

For one of our prominent clients, we have helped the customer reduce the cloud cost by establishing robust governance and discipline across the services. 

  • Resource tagging and monitoring: With resource tagging, monitoring of resource utilization, and sending proper alerts when the resources are not tagged properly, our team helped the client to achieve the controls over cost.
  • Reacting quickly to misuse: Magic FinServ has established a monthly review of cost & utilization reports and a weekly resource utilization review to react quickly to any misuse.
  • Detecting unused/underutilized resources: The weekly review helped the customer to detect unused or underutilized resources and changed instance classes accordingly. This is a common operational challenge the client team used to face when System Integration Testing (SIT)/ User Acceptance Testing (UAT) projects are over, but resources are not released.
  • Switching off: Turn off SIT, UAT, DR environments when not in use.
  • Deleting unused DR databases: Deleted the unused DR databases. Reduced the instance class cost and storage cost on the DR account. (New database is created from snapshot every time DR is triggered.
  • 40% cost savings achieved. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Relational Database Service (RDS) are the most expensive services. The best instances with higher configurations are provisioned during go-live or high load activities. However, our team brought them to a lower configuration during the steady-state which helped to achieve ~40% cost savings on the total cost. 

Gain competitive advantage, drive efficiency, and expedite time to market with Magic FinServ

The potential of the cloud to innovate is immense. But at the same time, organizations need to optimize cloud spending without compromising performance. It makes no sense if the budget spirals out of control. Though the cloud servicing model is clear and precise, the existence of “tens of thousands of SKUs and if you don’t know who is buying what services and why, then it becomes difficult to understand the total cost of ownership (TCO) for the application(s) or service(s) deployed in the cloud.” Magic FinServ team helps banks and Financial Institutions manage and allocate costs optimally.

Our team prioritize the identification of idle resources and ensure that businesses will save precious dollars. We have helped clients gain an edge with a proven track record of:

  • More than 40% cost savings
  • More than 25% reduction in malicious activity
  • More than 25% increase in uptime
  • More than 75% of effort saving during release & recovery process by DevOps implementation
  • Reduction in response time from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
  • Improved uptime and delivered savings of 50% by moving some of the workloads to cloud native
  • 60% savings on storage costs

With Magic FinServ at the helm, organizations are assured of both cost optimization and efficiency. We know from experience how things could unravel in the future. Therefore, we can address the common challenges and pitfalls more accurately and precisely than the in-house teams. This leaves the CloudOps and the DevOps teams with more time for growth-oriented activities. So, is that reason enough for you to take advantage of our services and embark on a cloud journey?  If yes, then do write to us at

“What you know cannot really hurt you” Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Enterprise data management (EDM) long ceased to be an option, in the post-pandemic business landscape, it is a necessity driven by a cross-influence of factors such as increased compliance, rising costs of operations, risk management, client relationship management, and more importantly the ability of the management to be on top of the situation, keeping in mind the fact that everyone is operating virtually, all of which depends on how smoothly and efficiently data is managed.

However, Alveo’s 2021 survey for hedge funds suggests that most buy-side firms are enmeshed in data management challenges. For most, data management continues to be a concern.

  • Nearly 23 % of the firms surveyed talked about fragmented and unreliable data and the challenges that arose due to it. 
  • Data maturity remained low: 24 % of the surveyed scored poorly in terms of data maturity (defined by CMMI Institute’s Data Management Maturity Model.) 
  • Process discipline was found lacking. Instead of focusing on ”prevention” firms focused on repair – or patchwork, when it comes to processes involved in improving the quality of data.   
  • Redundant data feeds are a problem. 77 % of the firms surveyed reported that organizations require the same data multiple times from the vendor. Adding to the costs.
  • The collection and analysis of environmental, social, and governance data sets are critical today. However, only 45% of buy-side firms surveyed said that they had a centralized mechanism that made their data secure and accessible. 

If the whereabouts of organizational data (operational, financial, strategic, and data generated via network logins and alerts) and what can be done with it are known to a firm, they not only avoid day-to-day disputes but also stay up-to-date with the latest trends and changing investor demand and competition.

That is where enterprise data management (EDM) comes in.

“Enterprise Data management is the development, execution, and supervision of plans, policies, programs and practices that control, protect, deliver and enhance the value of enterprise data and information assets.”

Provided below is how EDM functions:

A differentiator for buy-side firms

  • A centralized EDM enables data blending and golden rules creation – that goes a long way in preventing disputes between business units such as operations, trading, compliance, and risk – of a buy-side firm. 
  • As no single vendor can cater to the needs of firms that handle multiple asset classes, investment strategies, and products, therefore a holistic and enterprise-wide data management strategy is needed. Else it would be pure chaos with firms paying for data that is redundant. 
  • Enterprise data management makes it easier for buy-side firms to provide their stakeholders with real-time visibility into risk factors.   
  • Today, we are seeing a lot of new-generation portfolio management systems. These are designed to meet the ever-increasing demands of banks, asset managers, hedge funds, brokers, and insurance companies who want transparency and accountability to stay competitive. A centralized EDM ensures better management and control of data for these differentiated products

Planning for EDM

Before planning the EDM, here’s a list of the prerequisites that need to be defined to ensure that tech strategy is in sync with the business goals and objectives. 

  1. Begin with an EDM audit.
  2. Vision: Define the core values of the EDM program. 
  3. Goals: The strategic goals, objectives, and priorities behind the EDM program
  4. Governance model: Chalk out how the enterprise-wide program would be managed and implemented
  5. Choose the appropriate technology, and get backing from key executives.  
  6. Resolution of issues: Ensure what kind of mechanism would be in place for identifying, triaging, tracking, and updating data issues.
  7. Monitoring and Control: How to measure the effectiveness of the program? Identify the leaders in charge.  

Key elements or capabilities of EDM  

The objective of the EDM strategy is to create the Golden Sources or the Single version of truth and ensure that it is disseminated across the proper channels and intended signatories. So here are the key elements or pillars in reaching that end goal.  

Critical Data Inventory: All those extremely important data elements that are required for making key business decisions must be handled carefully and with the full knowledge of all stakeholders involved. 

Data Sharing and Governance: Ingrain a data-sharing culture across the board, in its right spirit. Everyone must be aware of the rules and regulations regarding data sharing securely. Whether there is limited-time access to data, or complete access, or denial of access (data is hidden), data sharing and governance streamlines the organization’s flow of data so that information is not released to anyone apart from the intended party. 

Data Architecture: In the whitepaper: A Case for Enterprise Data Management in Capital Markets, it has been suggested that the layered approach in which each ” each horizontal (technology) function/capability is managed separately as a shared service across the vertical (business) function/capability” does not lead to the chaos and confusion seen in the end-to-end functionality approach which leads to silos.

Data Integration: Data integration is a multi-pronged process, but the essence of data integration is that it ensures that data from multiple sources are integrated to provide a single amalgamated view. As underlined earlier, the benefits of a unified repository are many. But primarily it ensures that data is actionable and available to anyone who needs access to it. Data integration marginalizes costs as there is less rework and error.  Data Quality Management: The quality of data is important for ensuring optimum outcomes. Too often, when dealing with data, whether it is financial or strategic or operational, or even network logs and alerts, the quality of data is suspect. With data quality and management, organizations are assured that they have cleaner and high-quality data readily available. Data quality management ensures that organizations have high-quality data at their disposal after data processes such as data cleansing and integrity checks.

Metadata Management: In 2020, Magic Quadrant for Metadata Management Solutions  the software category was defined by Gartner, “a core aspect of an organization’s ability to manage its data and information assets.”

Metadata is information about data. Metadata primarily captures aspects of data like type, length, timestamp, source, and owner, that can be traced back. It can be created manually, or with a data processing tool. For describing, understanding, and creating an inventory of data, for data governance and risk and compliance, metadata management is a requisite. 

Master Data Management: Master data management, refers to the organization, centralization, and categorization, of master data. Simultaneously, master data management also enriches data, so that the organization uses the most accurate version – the ‘golden record’ to ensure that the data that is disseminated to applications downstream is consistent.

State of data maturity

It is also important for firms to realize the state of data maturity. Only 9 percent of the buy-side firms had high levels of data maturity as per the CMMI Institute’s scale. 

To reach higher levels of data maturity as per CMMI Institute guidelines firms must:  

  • “See data as critical for survival in a dynamic and competitive market. 
  • Optimize process performance by applying analysis on defined metrics for target identification of improvement opportunities. 
  • Ensure that best practices are shared with peers and industry.

How data is managed and controlled is important now that the work model has changed considerably

The pandemic has marked a sea change in the way businesses function today. There’s not much physical interaction between people and in such a scenario, data and how it is disseminated, managed, and controlled assumes great importance – especially in the case of capital markets. So, to be without a viable EDM strategy is like committing a “Hara-Kari.”

Magic FinServ – your data management partner     

We understand why high-quality data is of paramount importance for FIs today. With many FIs walking the tightrope between stricter regulatory compliance and rising customer expectation, with challengers in hot pursuit, quality data is all it takes retain the edge.   

Unclean, inconsistent, and poor-quality data weighs down on enterprise resources. It clogs business applications that run on data and makes it an uphill task for any organization to achieve any kind of growth. Today, true transformation begins with a clear understanding of data. Hence the need for a data model.  

  • Enabling clear understanding of data needs: We help FIs and Banks understand their data requirements by understanding what they have, what they need (in terms of the quality of data and more) and analyzing how their business processes are impacted in real-time by drawing an abstract model. And that is not all. Having partnered with multiple banks and FIs, we know that time saved is “dollars” earned and hence the importance of minimizing the amount of effort required to extract only relevant data from unstructured and offline sources, and creating a single version of truth.
  • Experts in the field: Today, data sources have proliferated. With organizations having to take account of ESG and Blockchain data as well, there is not much that traditional systems can do to ease the burden – and ensure clean, consistent, structured, and auditable data. Only an expert in the domain of capital markets like Magic FinServ with expertise not only in AI and ML (our proprietary Magic DeepSight™ is a one-stop solution for comprehensive data extraction, transformation, and delivery), but also in the cloud, APIs and Smart Contracts can rightfully create a single version of truth, after consolidating data from the multiple sources that are in existence today to create a golden source.
  • Unique perspective in reference data: Having worked extensivelywith a major global multi-class investment solution provider for more than 6 years and successfully delivering on all reference data specific implementations in the complete value chain for Security Master, Pricing, Ratings, Issuer Data and Corporate Actions projects, across the geography for various key accounts and established buy-side entities has provided Magic FinServ a unique perspective in reference data that we are happy to share with our clientele.    
  • Unmatched value: When it comes to sheer depth of knowledge and experience in working with industry-leading platforms for reference data – Simcorp Dimension, TCS BaNCS, Everest, SAXO Trader, amongst others – Magic FinServ’s expertise is unmatched. Not just Implementation, we are also your Go-to partner in Delivery, Custom Development, QA, and Support.
  • Skilled team: We are experts in delivering projects from kick-off to go-live in market data as well. Our team brings in unmatched efficiency and experience in delivering projects for different industry-renowned market data providers (for different regions) like Six, ICE, Telekurs, Bloomberg, Refinitiv, Markit, Custodian Feeds in the SWIFT ISO15022 format. The engagement further strengthens in managing requirements in relation to Data Architecture, Integration Aspects, and Management of Master Data.
  • In tune with the latest trends – AI and ML: There’s a perceptible shift in the industry towards harnessing AI and ML-based solutions. This is evident in the way industry leaders are talking about enhancing current mature product offering by introducing AI and ML based approaches to it. With the advent of modern technologies like AI and ML, multiple use cases of their adoption have also emerged in Reference Data Management. Some of the prominent use cases where Magic FinServ brings value are:
    • Automation of Business Processes
    • Lowering the cost and increasing the Operational Efficiency in the Post-trade Processes: Confirmation, Settlement of Trades, Reconciliation of Position, Cash Balances, NAV’s, etc.
    • Handling complex data issues like Missing Data, Stale Information or Erroneous Data; ML techniques can be applied to identify and flag out the issues after careful assessment and Model integration.
    • Exception Management and Increasing STP, with ML at the core
  • Due Diligence and Comprehensive Risk Assessment: However, introducing AI and ML to Enterprise Data is not a cakewalk. It requires thorough due diligence and comprehensive risk assessment. That’s where we come in. Not only do we have the experience in navigating pitfalls, but our team – competent in the latest AI and ML trends – can help clients surmount the odds. Not only do we (help) in assessing customer’s current needs but also propose and help them envisage the future landscape by owning and driving their AI and ML journey to the target state.
  • Merits of a partnership with EDM Council: The EDM council is a Global Association created to elevate the practice of Data Management as a business and operational priority – and is a leading advocate for best practices with regards data standards. As underlined earlier, accessing the state of data maturity and identification of the gaps that exist in the data environment are prime requirements for reaching enterprise maturity. Here Magic FinServ can drive a definite advantage. Thanks to our partnership with the EDM council, we are in a position to accurately access the state of client’s Enterprise Data Maturity leveraging industry leading frameworks approved by the EDM Council.
  • Going beyond pure advisory: Our services go beyond pure advisory. Our exhaustive domain knowledge and competency in managing and implementing EDM solutions are key differentiators when it comes to managing and standardizing our client’s data in line with industry approved and vetted global standards.

Upping the game with Magic FinServ

Magic FinServ brings a deep understanding of the financial services business to help FinTech and Buy-side firms build and support their EDM platform. We offer sophisticated tools, products, and services using AI and Analytics to manage data repositories, organize business glossaries, create and improve data lineage, review and optimize reporting rules, create and manage semantic frameworks and improve data quality of financial institutions. We cover the complete data lifecycle from data strategy and management, bringing in capabilities for Data Inventory, Integration, data quality, Profiling, Metadata Management and Data Privacy for our customers.

For more information about our services and solutions, connect with us today. Write to us at We’ll be glad to be of assistance.

Garbage In, Garbage Out: How Poor Data Quality Clogs Machine Learning Training Pipeline 

What is common in the success stories of businesses as diverse as Amazon, Airbnb, and Kakao Bank. The answer is data and a leadership that was relentless in the pursuit of good data quality. In the digital age, good quality data is a key differentiator – an invaluable asset that gives organizations an edge over competitors who have not been as dogged about the same (data quality). As a result, they are burdened with substandard, scattered, duplicate, and inconsistent data, that weighs them down more heavily than iron shackles. In the world businesses are operating in today, the divide is not been the big and the small organizations but between organizations who have invested in improving their data quality and those who have not. 

A single rotten apple spoils the barrel!    

We have all heard of the story about how a single rotten apple spoils a barrel. It is more or less the same story when it comes to data. Unclean, unrefined, and flawed data does more harm than good. Gartner estimates that poor quality data costs an organization $ 15 million per year. Though survey after survey talks about monetary losses – unclean data or data that has not been refined impacts more than the bottom line – it prevents businesses from deriving actionable insights from their data, leads to poor quality decisions, and drives dissatisfaction among all the people who matter – partners, vendors, and regulatory authorities. We have also heard of several instances where poor data quality has quickly snowballed into a major issue- like a money-laundering scam leading to loss of reputation as well.

Today when a majority of organizations are leveraging the power of AI and machine learning tools and investing millions to stay ahead of the curve, bad data can be a reason for not meeting the ROI. While organizations pour money for AI and ML tools, it is constrained due to bad quality data.      

Bad data hurts the American economy  

The impact of bad data on the American economy is not trickle-down, rather it is a gigantic leak that is hard to plug. Collectively, the impact of bad decisions made from data that are flawed goes into millions and billions. Ollie East, Director, Advanced Analytics and Data Engineering, of the public accounting and consulting firm, Baker Tilly, says that bad data costs the American businesses about $3 trillion annually, and breeds bad decisions made from having data that is just incorrect, unclean, and ungoverned. 

Banks and FIs are no exception to the rule. In fact, because of the privacy and regulatory requirements – they stand to lose more due to bad data. Of the zebibytes of data (including dark data) in existence organization-wide today, organizations are capitalizing only a minuscule percentage. Banks and FIs can ensure that they do not lose business, revenue, and clientele on account of poor data quality. It only takes a bit of effort and strategic planning. Further, the phenomenal success of new-age technologies like AI and machine learning has changed the rules of the game and has enabled banks and FIs to fish value from even the dark data – if only they undertake a planned approach to data standardization, data consistency, and data verification, and ensure that is streamlined for use again and again. Organizations must also account for the new data that enters the workflows and pipelines and ensure that a suitable mechanism is in place to ensure that it is always clean and standardized.     

To reiterate, why lose on the competitive advantage? Here’s a look at how organizations – banks and FIs- can invoke the power of cleaner, structured, data to make their processes crisper, leaner and undeniably more efficient.  

Step 1: Pre-processing data – making data good for downstream processes        

Pre-processing of data is the first step in the journey towards cleaner and refined data. Considering that not many organizations today can claim that their data quality meets expectations – the Harvard Business Review  states: “only 3% of companies’ data meets basic quality standards ” – pre-processing of data is critical for the following reasons: 

  • Identifying of what’s wrong with the organization’s data. What are the core issues? 
  • As the data is more likely to be used again and again in workflows, processes and systems enterprise-wide, good quality data with the right encryptions minimizes conflict of interest and other such discrepancies.        
  • Also, as most organizations are likely to be using some kind of AI and ML for their processes involving this data – it is better to get it in shape to reap the maximum benefits. 

Garbage In Garbage Out – The true potential of AI and ML can be leveraged only when data quality is good 

Today, data scientists and analysts spend more time pre-processing data for quality (fine-tuning it), than analyzing it for business and strategic insights. This iterative pre-processing of data even though extremely time-consuming is important because if organizations feed “bad or poor-quality unrefined data” into the AI model it will spew (to put it across literally) garbage. Garbage In, results in Garbage Out. To leverage the true potential of AI and ML, it is essential that the quality of data being fed into the machine-learning pipeline downstream is of high quality. 

There are of course other substantial benefits as well. One, when the data is cleaned at the point of capture or during entry, banks and FIs have a cleaner database for future use. For example, by preventing the entry of duplicates at the point of capture (either via manual or automated means), organizations are spared from doing menial and repetitive work. It is also relatively easy to build the training model once the data is refined and streamlined. And when banks and FI have a more dependable AI pipeline (thanks to cleaner data) they can gain valuable insights that give them a strategic advantage.    

Carrying out data quality checks 

For ensuring that their data is up-to-date and foolproof, there are several levels of checks or quality tests including the quick-fact checking of data against a universal known truth – such as the age field – in a dataset age filed cannot have a negative value nor can the name field be null. However, a quick-fact check is a basic check (tests only the data and not the metadata which is the source of extremely valuable information such as the origin of data, creator of data, etc.). Therefore, for a comprehensive test of data quality, holistic or historical analysis of datasets must be carried out where organizations test individual data for authenticity or compare them with historical records for validation.  

Manual testing: Herein, staff manually verifies the values for data types, length of characters, formats, etc. The manual verification of the data is not desirable as it is exceedingly time-consuming. It is also highly error-prone. Instead, there are options such as open-source projects and in some cases, coded solutions built in-house, but both are not as popular as automated data quality testing tools.  

Automated data quality testing tools: Using advanced algorithms, these tools invariably make it easier for organizations to test data quality in a fraction of the time that manual effort takes (using data matching techniques). However, as reiterated earlier, machines are as good as the training they receive. If unclean, flawed data is poured into the training pipeline, it clogs the machine and prevents it from giving the desired results.   

The machines have to be taught like humans to understand and manipulate data so that exceptions can be raised and only clean filtered data remain in the dataset. Organizations can gain intelligence from their data either through rules-based engines or machine learning systems. 

1. Rules-based system: Rules-based systems work on a set of strict rules that suggest “if” a certain criterion is met or not met, then what follows. Rules-based data quality testing tools allow organizations to validate datasets against custom-defined data quality requirements. Rule-based systems requiring less effort and is also less risky – false positives are not a concern. It is often asked if rules-based tools and processes are slowly becoming antiquated as banks and FIs deal with an explosion of data. Probably not. They are still a long way from going out of fashion. It still makes sense to use the rules-based approach where the risk of false positives is too high and hence only rules which ensure 100 percent accuracy can be implemented. 

2. Machine learning systems: A machine learning system simulates human intelligence. It learns from the data that it is given (training model). Like a child that learns from its parent, it picks the good, the bad, and the ugly. Hence businesses must be extremely careful at the onset itself. They cannot expect optimum results if they are not careful with the quality of the data used for training. When it comes to its learning capacity and potential, however, ML-based systems’ capacity is infinite.  

Though there are several ways for the machine to learn, supervised learning is the first step. Every time new data gets incorporated in the datasets, the machine learns. The element of continuous learning means that in time it would require minimum human interference – which is good as banks and FIs would like to engage their manpower in far more critical tasks. As machines interpret and categorize data using its historical antecedents, it becomes much smarter and indefinitely more capable than humans. 

In the realm of dark data 

Every day banks and FIs generate, process, and store humongous amounts of data or information assets. Unfortunately, much of this data (nearly 80%) remains in the dark. Banks and FIs rarely tap into it for business insights and for monetizing the business. However, machine learning systems can help organizations unearth value from dark data with minimum effort. Learning, in this case, begins with making data observations, finding patterns and eventually using it to make good strategic decisions. All based on historical evidence or previous examples. What the system simply does here is alert the supervisor (about the exception) and then process that information and learn – that is what continuous learning does long term. 

Data quality is a burning issue for most organizations 

“By 2022, 60% of organizations will leverage machine-learning-enabled data quality technology to reduce manual tasks for data quality improvement.” Gartner  

At Magic FinServ, we believe that high-quality data is what drives top and bottom-line growth. Data quality issues disrupt processes and result in escalated costs as it calls for investment in re-engineering, database processing, and customized data scrubbing. And more for getting data in shape. 

Organizations certainly wouldn’t want that as they are running short of time already. Knowing that manual testing of data quality is not an option – it is expensive and time-consuming, it is cost-effective and strategically sound to rely on a partner like Magic FinServ with years of expertise.

Ensuring quality data – the Magic FinServ way

Magic FinServ’s strategy to ensure high-quality data is centered around its key pillars or capabilities – people, in-depth knowledge of financial services and capital markets, robust partnerships (with the best-in-breed), and a unique knowledge center (in India) for development, implementation, upgrade, testing, and support. Our capabilities go a long way in addressing the key challenges enterprises face today related to their data quality, spiraling data management costs, and cost-effective data governance strategy with a well-defined roadmap for enhancing data quality. 

Spinning magic with AI and ML: Magic FinServ has machine learning based tools to optimize operational cost by using Al to automate exception management and decision making. We can deliver a savings of 30% – 70% in most cases. As a leading a digital technology services company for the financial services industry, we bring a rare combination of capital markets domain knowledge and new-age technology skills, enabling leading banks and FinTech’s to accelerate their growth.  

Cutting costs with cloud management services: We help organizations manage infrastructure costs offering end-to-end services to migrate (to cloud from enterprise), support and optimize your cloud environment.

Calling the experts: We can bring in business analysts, product owners, technology architects, data scientists, and process consultants at a short notice. Their insight in reference data, including asset classes, entities, benchmarks, corporate actions and pricing, brings value to the organization. Our consultants are well-versed in technology. Apart from traditional programming environments like Java and Microsoft stack, they are also well versed in data management technologies and databases like MongoDB, Redis Cache, MySQL, Oracle, Prometheus, Rocks dB, Postgres, and MS SQL Serve. 

Partnerships with the best: And last but not least, the strength of our partnerships with the best in the industry gives us an enviable edge. We have not only tied with multiple reference data providers to optimize costs and ensure quality, but have partnership with reputed organizations dealing with complex and intractable environments, multi-domains, covering hundreds of thousands of data sources, to help our clients create a robust data governance strategy and execution plan.

So that is how we contain costs and also ensure that the data quality is top notch. So why suffer losses due to poor data quality. 

Connect with us today by writing to us at

The Hedge Fund industry is witnessing an unprecedented boom (CNBC) – a record high that has the market tizzy. Barclay Hedge reveals that Hedge funds made more than $552.1 billion – in trading profits alone. At the same time, the AUM swelled to 42% in the past 12 months, indicating a resurgence of investor trust despite the turbulent times that the industry had weathered earlier.  

It is evident that the rebound in the economy and government stimulus packages contributed significantly to the strong backdrop and increased investor confidence that we are witnessing today. But we cannot afford to overlook the role technology has played in allaying investor fears and enabling the industry to reach a “record high.”  

The turbulence that markets witnessed last year due to the pandemic was reason enough for many hedge funds to change gears – from manual to intelligent automation. But even earlier, the changes in the economy and new regulations had put pressure on IT teams to explore options for ensuring strategic growth while ensuring compliance. Hedge Funds that remained committed in their efforts to adopt technology were able to shake off the monotony and chaos of antiquated processes, even while others scrambled to come to terms with the new world order (post-pandemic) that required them to approach technology outsourcing vendors to meet the remote working needs. Cloud computing coupled with AI, ML, and blockchain has disrupted the world of capital markets immensely. These new technologies have not only streamlined services but ensured transparency and cost-effectiveness as well. And that’s what the investors wanted–transparency, trust, standardization, and accountability.  

Now or never – the future is cloud 

The future is in the cloud. With its “virtually unlimited storage capacity, scalability and compute facility that is available on-demand,” it offers a huge advantage to hedge funds, institutional asset managers, fund administrators who have been grappling with the data problem. John Kain, the Head of Business and Market Development, Banking & Capital Markets, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Financial Services, says that within four years of his joining AWS, he has seen a significant increase in the volumes of data being placed in the cloud. He also mentions that the sophistication of cloud-based tools used by fund managers has amplified, indicating fund manager’s confidence in the cloud to tackle the sheer scale of data used in making everyday investment decisions. Today the top drivers for Financial Institutions resorting to cloud usage are:  

  • Reduction in costs from CapEx to OpEx: The burden of maintaining legacy architecture and overhead costs get resolved when you move to the cloud.   
  • Amplifying the speed of technology deployment: With the cloud, updates are almost instantaneous. 
  • Cutting costs of legacy maintenance; Simplifying  IT management and support: Maintenance and support are the vendor’s responsibility.   
  • Induce nimbleness and scalability: Incredibly easy to add space, storage, and RAM without waiting for lengthy paperwork, as is the case with infrastructure deployment. 
  • Ensure business continuity with Disaster Recovery: FIs can ensure business as usual even during critical times with the cloud as it is equipped with disaster recovery.     

This blog will discuss what has fundamentally been the biggest disrupter of the decade – the cloud and its benefits. Apart from the private cloud, there are also public and hybrid cloud models. Financial institutions must plan before shifting from on-prem to cloud.  Many choose a SaaS-based approach. Certainly SaaS platforms on cloud are more fruitful compared to migrating legacy platforms to cloud as it delivers immediate business results. For a short or medium period of time, some satellite applications might go to cloud before going full-on SaaS. All facilitated by DevOps practices since that enables faster changers and fewer errors. 

So it adds strategic value if you have a partnership with a third-party vendor with experience handling cloud transformation journeys, specifically for FI’s.   

Choosing your Cloud – Public, Private, Hybrid  

Public cloud – open and affordable 

The public cloud infrastructures like Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud offer highly compelling incentives and advantages for hedge funds and asset management firms, including small firms like family offices, thus leveling the playing field immensely. Flexibility and ease of deployment are persuasive drivers when it comes to choosing the public cloud model. In addition to this, the costs of this model are readily acceptable to even small players.  

The most popular public cloud offerings for financial institutions include ancillary systems like cloud-resident office suites such as Microsoft Office 365, customer relationship management systems (CRM) like Salesforce, Market research systems, and HR systems. 

Limitations of public cloud:  

Despite some of these obvious advantages, some big financial institutions remain unwilling to outsource their core banking structures and much of their mission-critical systems into the cloud, where there have been some highly publicized security and data breaches in the past. 

The concern arises from the financial institution’s fiduciary responsibilities to its customers. If any financial/sensitive data gets leaked/compromised, the financial institutions face significant liabilities resulting from identity theft, fraud, and other malicious acts. However, this doesn’t mean those large financial institutions aren’t invested in public cloud solutions. They are raising significant engagements with public clouds but in areas that promote collaboration among employees and departments that help them reduce the costs of internal IT.  

Apart from security, scalability was another primary concern. The File sharing Tools and Services are not scalable due to rising costs, and as the firm grows, it (the firm) requires more than file sharing among a small group of people. In due time, a growing firm needs CRM, OMS, accounting tools, etc., which File Sharing tools cannot accommodate.  

Private cloud – In-built disaster recovery and high performance  

The private cloud has been the go-to option for financial and investment firms requiring business-class IT infrastructure. With its inherent security, privacy, and performance, it provided a seamless experience. In addition, a private cloud allowed the firm to exercise greater control over network traffic in terms of security, service quality, and availability. In most cases, the private cloud is operated professionally by a service provider based solely on controlling, managing, and maintaining the network to satisfy business requirements and compliance directives. Thus, businesses benefit from seasoned industry professionals with expertise who live & breathe private financial IT. 

If security and high-performance matter most, then it is the private cloud that is best. You do not have to invest in disaster recovery with a private cloud as it is already in-built into the cloud offering. 

Hybrid cloud – a mix of private and public 

Hedge funds, Asset managers, and other investment firms need not take an either/or approach to their IT infrastructures. Hybrid clouds – defined as a composition of two or more clouds that remain unique entities but are bound together – are the most popular choice today. Through a hybrid cloud solution that blends many of the public and private cloud’s most compelling characteristics and features, firms can utilize a unique, flexible, and scalable platform that serves a wide variety of the firm’s needs while keeping all regulatory compliance and security measures intact. In addition to the combined benefits, the beauty of the hybrid cloud is that it supports a slow transition, too, as risk is mitigated, compliance requisites are understood, and budgets get approved. As per the Hedge Fund Journal, “this is where working with a trusted cloud provider can add value to the process and ensure the benefits of hybrid cloud are realized.” 

Any talk about hybrid cloud would be incomplete without mentioning APIs and API orchestrators like Postman, which are gaining ground for facilitating app to app conversations, and DevOps and other Orchestrators given that the next-gen Dev environment on Cloud would be underpinned by tools such as Terraform, Ansible, Octopus etc. These automate the “Integrated Pod” structure, starting from rapid fire spin up/down of infra, testing out code, and automated code deployment/integration, saving time and effort.     

Why cloud? 

More control and less chaos with cloud  

Cloud technology has unequivocally also changed the way that hedge funds run their operations today. It is not an exaggeration to say that the public cloud, led by the growth of Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, has been a game-changer and arguably has allowed small hedge funds to compete on a level playing field. The cloud with its capability to support front, middle and back-office functions – from business applications to data management solutions and accounting systems is one of the most powerful assets for the 10,000 odd hedge funds spanning the globe today, as the demand for seamless, scalable, and efficient IT solutions grows exponentially. With the cloud, organizations have more control over their processes. Data management and storage also become less of a concern when one moves to the cloud.     

Innovation begins with cloud   

The advantages of cloud-based solutions are many and go beyond cost efficiency and access to highly scalable storage and computing power. The most significant benefit that the cloud offers hedge funds is that it quickly opens the doors for new opportunities. Let’s take the example of Northern Trust, which uses its novel cloud-based platform to update client systems 20 times in a month or more, even as competitors struggle to update their clients’ systems on a quarterly or annual update cycle.   

Elaborating how the cloud-based platform mitigates risks, Melaine Pickett, Head of Front Office Solutions, Northern Trust says, “That de-risks the releases for our clients – because we’re not releasing huge chunks of code and hoping nothing goes wrong – and it also makes us able to iterate very quickly because we’re not waiting until the next quarter or next year to add new features or make other changes.” 

Leveling the playing field with cloud-based SaaS   

The one with the next big idea leads the race in today’s digital world. We have examples like Kakao bank of South Korea which onboarded millions of customers in a week – thanks to its extremely powerful platform – who have proven that small can be powerful. As Ranjit Bawa, principal and U.S. technology cloud leader with Deloitte Consulting LLP says, “Innovation can’t be mandated, but innovative teams can be empowered with tools that let them test the waters on their own.” And the cloud is one such medium.   

To quote Bawa, “the cloud democratizes the ability to test great ideas and bring them to life.” And by doing so, it levels the playing field for emerging managers – who are high on ideas and innovation. Though constrained due to bandwidth and headcount, cloud platforms provide them tremendous opportunity to test out new ideas.    

Cloud as a part of Business Continuity Plan 

Last year, small and big hedge funds suffered due to an unforeseen crisis – the coronavirus pandemic. Nobody had expected to be in the midst of a situation where remote working would be the only option. Firms that had invested in the cloud infrastructure could wriggle out of the crisis relatively unscathed, but others were forced to rethink their strategy. The days of over-reliance on manual labor were over. As a part of the business continuity plan (BCP), firms were forced to either implement a cloud-based infrastructure or work with a technology vendor like Magic FinServ to meet their IT and software needs.    

 The future however is multi-cloud  

Paradoxically the over reliance on separate cloud environments has led to silos again. So we have data developers, IT teams, cloud architects, and security teams with diametrically opposite business and technology requirements working in silos. VP Marketing, VMWare cloud, Matthew J. Morgan (Forbes) reports organizations are no longer relying on a single-vendor IT environment for cloud. Instead, the typical practice (in all organizations that he has worked with) consists of relying on a heterogeneous mix of cloud providers that necessitates a rethink of the “cloud strategy to ensure cohesiveness”. As the proliferation of separate cloud environments has resulted in the creation of new silos in the IT organization.” 

Hence – the need for a multi-cloud strategy. Morgan, in his Forbes article, states that the  “multi-cloud strategy and quick implementation was and continues to be a priority for the advancement of the business and the cohesiveness and security of the technology.” 

That multi-cloud is the future leaves no one in doubt. We are already witnessing organizations relying on a mix of multiple public cloud providers (AWS and Azure) working together to resolve businesses’ specific needs. Also, businesses are not seeing high value in having private data centers, and so we are hearing about more and more FIs publicly talking about adopting a multi-cloud approach. This is also important from a regulatory perspective, as firms will not benefit from relying solely on one cloud provider. 

Magic FinServ – your trusted cloud transformation partner 

As a trusted cloud partner, we service FI’s, including investment banks, hedge funds, fund administrators, asset managers, etc. While the journey might seem daunting at first, with a partner like Magic FinServ –  an expert in assessment, design, build, migration, and management of cloud for leading Financial Institutions – you can be assured of the desired results.  

We deploy new-age technologies like AI and Machine Learning to reduce the time-to-market, add security layers using the Infra-as-a-code approach, diminish system redundancy, and continuously narrow down the cloud deployment and monitoring costs. Our Opensource framework approach enables agility and cloud-agnostic development as well.  

We have worked with Tier 1 investment banks, top-tier hedge funds with up to 10B AUM, fast-growing SaaS companies from fintech and insuretech, and blockchain enterprise platforms. We cater to organizations of various sizes across the globe, serviced out of our offices in New York and Delhi.  

If you are looking for a financial services specialized cloud service provider, Magic FinServ is your ultimate answer. You can book a consultation by writing us You can also download our ebook for other information.  

The Banking and Financial Services Sector and the fintechs supporting them have not been unaffected by the winds of change sweeping across the business landscape. But unlike the past, technology has proved to be an equalizer. Size is no longer a necessary condition for success. Today we have Challenger Organizations, typically SMEs and large institutions alike, competing on a level playing field, and whosoever simplifies their processes or automates first gains an edge. Examples of how Intuit, Square, and similar Challenger Organizations redefined the meaning of Customer experience are proof enough. Automation, elimination of repetitive manual tasks, and consolidation of redundant activities into fewer steps have played a crucial role in enhancing Straight Through Processing (STP). 

Straight Through Processing has hitherto been addressed by optimizing underlying applications, eliminating data silos, and integrating applications better. While process automation through RPA and similar technologies have helped optimize downstream processes, the manual effort was still significant due to the disparate data sources that could not be consolidated and integrated. It is this final boundary that is sought to be breached through the application of Emerging Technologies. With a holistic end-to-end straight-through processing (STP), banks and FIs have taken a quantum leap forward and what would have once taken days to accomplish now takes minutes. STP removes the need for manual intervention. The only time human intervention is “ ideally” required is during “exception handling ” or “exceptions processing”  – when the system sees something that is unusual and raises a red flag. The human annotator then sets about making the necessary changes.  

White whales for STP implementation or Taming the white whales (with STP)

STP implementation is ideal for processes that involve a lot of repetitive work. The costs of system integration (might) dissuade many smaller players from considering it. However, like Captain Ahab’s relentless pursuit of the White Whale – Moby Dick, digital transformation experts have relentlessly argued the case for STP implementation (without similar calamitous consequences) in some of the most tiresome and time-consuming processes like KYC, loans processing, foreign exchange transaction handling,  accounts payables amongst others. Organizations that must meet quality SLAs as part of the business agreement have much to lose if they do not innovate on the technology front. Humans are more liable to make errors –  attach a wrong document, classify a document incorrectly (highly probable if there are 100 odd classifications to choose from), or simply feed data incorrectly into the system. And in the event this takes place, the likelihood of not meeting the SLAs (resulting in client dissatisfaction) is high.

 Secondly, banks and FIs, manually administering processes like KYC, have no time for value-added activity (like sales and customer retention and experience) as they are busy meeting the deadlines. As manual labor is both slow and expensive, there is a considerable backlog. Let’s take the example of the KYC process – a  McKinsey report states that banks generally employ about 10 percent of the workforce in financial-crime-related activities. Now that is a lot in terms of labor cost. The report has also indicated that KYC reviews were often the costliest activities handled by the bank.

With STP, banks and the financial services sector can eliminate a lot of paperwork, many unnecessary checkpoints (translating into unnecessary headcount), manual data entry while ensuring that SLAs are met and invoices, KYC, onboarding, accounts payable and accounts receivable, and other such processes and document-oriented activities are conducted quickly and cost-efficiently and with relatively fewer margins of error. So that organizations can ensure higher levels of transparency and trust and a good customer experience.

Cost of quality   

Let’s be honest; even the best human keyers/classifiers make more errors or mistakes than machines. While an error percentage of 2 to 5 % might not seem much, if we apply the 1-10-100 rule for the “cost of quality” and take into account a million documents that are being classified and whose data is being extracted, 5 % does make a huge difference. Automatically that would translate into a lot of work that would require human intervention. For every error that could be prevented, the cost of rectifying it is 10 times more. Leaving an error unattended is costlier – 100 times more expensive than doing it right the first time. 

Machines, however, are more capable. A Mckinsey report states, “ Assuming that standardization and coding of rules are performed correctly, quality can be improved significantly (by a range of 15 to 40 percent, experience indicates). Manual errors are reduced, and the identification and documentation of risks are improved. Rework loops can be shortened as well, as “first time right” ratios and regulatory targets are met more quickly.”

And now comes the really tricky part, since 100 percent accuracy is still unthinkable even for machines. When we are talking about documents, and relevant data fields, an accuracy of 99 % at the character level does not ensure STP. If documents need validation from their human supervisors due to high error rates,  zero STP will ensue.  Here we’d need something more robust than RPA. With machine learning (ML) and advanced capture, it is possible to increase accuracy to validate data using advanced rules.  We’d need a system that constantly adjusts and optimizes data. So every time the system encounters a variance or an anomaly, it adapts ( taking help from the human-in-loop) and improvises, becoming better after each iteration.

We would also have to take into account the variance in straight-through processing when it comes to structured and unstructured documents. While a standardized document such as a 10k will enable higher levels of  STP, semi-standardized documents such as invoices and unstructured documents such as notes and agreements will allow lower levels of STP.  

Simplifying banking processes

Today the imperative for banks and FIs to simplify their processes is huge. Future growth today is dependent on the ease with which banks and FIs can conduct their business. There is no escaping that! Reiterating the need for simplification, Hessel Veerbek, partner strategy, KPMG Australia, writes about “how some banks and insurers have replaced key elements of their core systems and consolidated their ancillary systems to rationalize their IT estate, modernize their capabilities, reduce costs and, at the same time, provide the capabilities to adapt and evolve their business models to secure future growth.”

Banks need to simplify operation by a core banking system that takes care of processes like loans processing and accounts payable end-to-end. At the heart of a simplified and automated banking architecture is end-to-end STP, which can be a complex undertaking, but as leading banks have shown, it is worth the trouble as it boosts efficiency. The challenges to STP incorporation are really in the mindset of organizations as “complex processes, high-risk customers and non-standard accounts” are still excluded from the purview of STP. It’s typical for organizations to consider STP while conducting low-risk tasks such as KYC for low-risk accounts in the KYC process. However, as the Mckinsey report suggests, if applied with dexterity and foresight, STP can eventually be enabled for the high-risk segment of customers as well. But here, a simple rules-based approach will not suffice, and organizations would need to rely on data science to create a system that will ensure a reliable output.

Augmenting human labor  – when machine learning tools perform the task and optimize it as well

The question is not really about how STP reduces the need for manual intervention – it is about how it augments human skills. The time it takes a human to classify and extract information from documents is disproportionate to the gains. Considering that almost 100 % of all data entry tasks can be automated and results can be obtained in a fraction of the time,  it makes sense to invest in tools that would ensure end-to-end automation. With STP, banks and Fintechs can not only eliminate the need for manual keying and classification of data, but in time sophisticated machine learning tools can also eliminate the need to verify that data manually.        

Getting to zero-touch! 

For true STP, we want an error rate that is such that human intervention is not required. This STP is the percentage or number of documents that go through the system with zero-touch or human contact. If the error rate or adverse media reaction is high, every document would have to be reviewed. Hence organizations must work on increasing accuracy by leveraging the power of AI and ML tools. 

If we are talking about cost efficiency, the need for software that easily integrates with organization-wide legacy systems is also a  prerequisite.  

The automation success story is not only about STP. 

It is important to remember that the automation success story does not depend on STP alone; other factors like investment costs, capital performance, cycle time, ROI, headcount reduction also matter. While “customer satisfaction” and “experience “ are good to have, Net Present Value (NPV), cost efficiency, and headcount reductions matter a lot. After all, leaner, nimbler, and more efficient operations are what most organizations are after.

While considering STP, it is also essential to do some homework regarding the investment costs, the complexity of the process (number of data elements that must be extracted, variance in documents, etc. ), cycle time, and the headcount reduction, etc. 

Experience tells us that the shift from highly manual-oriented processes to STP is not easy. It requires massive levels of patience and commitment as it takes time to reach the desired levels of accuracy. The actual test of STP success for any process depends on determining with a high degree of precision if a task has been executed accurately or not. A high rate of error or human intervention results in zero STP.   

Regardless of the challenges underlined earlier, STP remains a significant milestone in any organization’s journey towards automation. Banks and FIs that have successfully implemented STP have reaped many visible benefits. With Straight Through Processing, banks and FIs can choose to re-direct their efforts towards customer experience and retention, as they now have the time and bandwidth. When banks and FIs automate invoices and payments, they pave the way for a happier customer and employee experience. 

The question today is not whether STP is the ultimate test for automation progression; the question today is whether organizations can afford to do without STP – considering the astronomical costs of processing files and increased competition. Magic FinServ, with its years of experience serving a diverse clientele set comprising some of the top American banks and Fintechs, is well acquainted with the opportunities and risks associated with process optimization and simplification using AI and ML. If organizations are not careful, the costs could escalate disproportionately and disrupt the drive towards digital transformation.   Magic FinServ helps you navigate uncharted waters by leveraging our understanding of the financial services business to re-engineer existing applications, design new platforms, and validate machine learning solutions to suit your business needs. To explore our solutions, reach out to us

Enterprises have increasingly realized that they must implement AI to succeed as digital natives are fast outpacing the ones relying on monolithic architectures. However, lack of synchronization between downstream and upstream elements, failure to percolate the AI value and culture in the organization’s internal dynamics, unrealistic business goals, and lack of vision often means that the AI projects either get stuck in a rut or fail to achieve the desired outcomes. What seemed like a sure winner in the beginning soon becomes an albatross around one’s neck.

Mitigating the pitfalls with a well-drawn and comprehensive AI roadmap aligned to company needs  

According to a Databricks report, only one in three AI and predictive analytics projects are successful across enterprises. Most AI projects are time-taking – it takes six months to go from the concept stage to the production stage. Most executives admit that the inconsistencies in AI adoption and implementation stems from inconsistent data sets, silos, and lack of coordination between IT and management and data engineers and data scientists. Then there’s the human element that had to be taken into account as well. Reluctance to invest, lack of foresight, failure to make cultural changes are as much responsible for falling short of the AI targets as the technical aspects enumerated earlier.

This blog will consider both the technical and the human elements vital for conducting a successful AI journey. To mitigate any disappointment that could accrue later, enterprises must assess the risk appetite, ensure early wins, get the data strategy in place, drive real-time strategic actions, implement a model and framework that resonates with the organization’s philosophy while keeping in mind the human angle – ensuring responsible AI by minimizing bias.

Calculating the risk appetite – how far the organization is willing to go? 

Whether the aim is to enhance customer experience or increase productivity, organizations must be willing to do some soul searching and find out what they are seeking. What are the risks they are prepared to take? What is the future state of readiness/ AI maturity levels? And how optimistic are things at the ground level?  

From the utilitarian perspective, investing in a completely new paradigm of skills and resources which might or might not result in ROI (immediately) is debatable. However, calamities of a global scale like COVID-19 demand an increased level of preparedness. Businesses that cannot scale up quickly can become obsolete; therefore, building core competencies with AI makes sense. Automating processes mitigates the challenges of the unforeseeable future when operations cannot be reliant on manual effort alone. So even if it takes time to reach fruition, and all projects do not translate into the desired dividends, it is a risk many organizations willingly undertake.

There is a lot at stake for the leadership as well. Once AI is implemented, and organizations start to rely on AI/ML increasingly, the risks compound. Any miscalculation or misstep in the initial stages of AI/ML adoption could cause grievous damage to the business’s reputation and its business prospects. Therefore, leadership must gauge AI/ML risks.     

Importance of early wins – focussing on production rather than experimentation.  

Early wins are essential. It elicits hope across an organization. Let us illustrate this with an example from the healthcare sector – the ‘moon shot’ project. Launched in 2013 at the MD Anderson Cancer Centre, the ‘moon shot project’ objective was to diagnose and recommend treatment plans for certain forms of cancer using IBM’s Watson cognitive system. But as the costs spiraled, the project was put on hold. By 2017, “moon shot” had accumulated costs amounting to $62 million without being tested on patients. Enough to put the management on tenterhooks. But around the same time, other less ambitious projects using cognitive intelligence were showing remarkable results. Used for simple day-to-day activities like determining if the patient needed help with bills payment and making reservations, AI drove marketing and customer experience while relieving back-officer care managers from the daily grind. MD Anderson has since remained committed to the use of AI.

Most often, it makes sense to start with process optimization cases. When a business achieves an efficiency of even one percent or avoids downtime, it saves dollars – not counting the costs of workforce and machinery. It is relatively easy to calculate where and how we can ensure cost savings in existing business cases instead of exploring opportunities where new revenue can be driven, as illustrated by the MD Anderson Cancer Centre case study. As we already know how the processes operate, where the drawbacks are, it is easier to determine areas where AI and ML can be baked for easy wins. The data is also in a state of preparedness and requires less effort.

In the end, the organization will have to show results. They cannot experiment willy-nilly. It is the business impact that they are after. Hence the “concept of productionize” takes center stage. While high-tech and glamorous projects look good, these are best bracketed as “aspirational.” Instead, the low-hanging fruit that enables easy gains should be targeted first.

The leadership has a huge responsibility, and to prioritize production, they must work in tandem with IT.  Both should have the same identifiable business goals for business impact. 

Ensuring that a sound data strategy is in place – data is where the opportunity lies!

If AI applications process data a gazillion times faster than humans, it is because of the trained data models. Else, AI apps are ordinary software running on conventional code. It is these amazing data models trained to carry out a range of complex activities and embedding NLP, computer vision, etc., that makes AI super-proficient. As a result, the application or system can decipher the relevant text, extract data from images, generate natural language, and carry out a whole gamut of activities seamlessly. So if AI is the works, data is the heart.          

Optimizing data pool

Data is the quintessential nail in the absence of which all the effort devised for drafting an operating model for data and AI comes to naught. Data is the prime mover when it comes to devising an AI roadmap. For data to be an asset, it must be “findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable”. If it exists in silos, data ceases to be an asset. It is also not helpful if it exists in different formats. It is then a source of dubiety and must be cleaned and formatted first. Without a unique identifier (UID), attached data can create confusion and overwrite. What the AI machinery needs is clean, formatted, and structured data that can easily be baked on existing systems. Data that can be built once and used in many use cases is fundamental to the concept of productized data assets.

It serves to undertake data due diligence or an exploratory data analysis (EDA). Find out where data exists, who is the owner, how it can be accessed, linkages to other data, how it can be retrieved, etc., before drawing out the roadmap. 

The kind of data defines the kind of machine learning model that can be applied, for example, for supervised machine learning models, data and labels are essential for enabling the algorithm to draw an inference about the patterns in the label, whereas unsupervised learning comes when data does not have labels. And transfer learning when the data that an existing machine learning model has learned is used to build a new use case.

Once the data has been extracted, it must be validated and analyzed, optimized, and enriched by integrating it with external data sources such as those existing online or in social media and to be fed into the data pipeline. A kind of extract, transform and load. However, if it is done manually, it could take ages and still be biased and error-prone. 

Drawing the data opportunity matrix to align business goals with data

Once the existing data has been sorted, find how it can be optimized for business by integrating it with data from external sources. For this purpose, an opportunity matrix, also known as the Ansoff matrix comes in handy. A two-by-two matrix that references new business and current business with the data subsets (internal and external), it aids the strategic planning process and helps executives, business leaders understand where they are in terms of data and how they would like to proceed further.   

Driving real-time strategic actions for maximum business impact using AI: Leadership matters 

Real-time strategic actions are important. For example, millennial banks and financial institutions must keep pace with customer expectations or else face consequences. By making the KYC process less painstaking with AI, banks and FinTechs can drive unexpected dividends. When the KYC is done manually, it is time taking. By the time the KYC is complete, the customer is frustrated. When AI and Machine Learning capabilities are applied to existing processes, organizations reduce manual effort and errors substantially. The costs of conducting the KYC are reduced as well. However, the biggest dividend or gain that organizations obtain is in the customer experience that rebounds once the timelines ( and human interaction) are reduced. That is like having the cake and eating it too!    

SAAS, on-prem, open-source code – finding out what is best!

If it is the efficiency and customer experience that an enterprise is after, SaaS works best. Hosted and maintained by a third party, it frees the business from hassles. However, if one wants complete control over data and must adhere to multiple compliance requirements, it is not a great idea. On-prem, on the other hand, offers more transparency and is suitable for back-end operations in a fintech company for fast-tracking processes such as reconciliations and AML/KYC. Though SaaS is feasible for organizations looking for quality and ease of application, open-source code produces better software. It also gives control and makes the organization feel empowered.          

Conclusion: AI is not a simple plug and play 

AI is not a simple plug-and-play. It is a paradigm shift and not everyone gets it right the first time. Multiple iterations are involved as models do not always give the desired returns. There are challenges like the diminishing value of data which would require organizations to broaden their scope and consider a wider data subset for maximizing accuracy.  

Notwithstanding the challenges, AI is a proven game-changer. From simplifying back-office operations to adding value to day-to-day activities, there is a lot that AI can deliver. Expectations, however, would have to be set beforehand. The transition from near-term value to closing in on long-term strategic goals would require foresight and a comprehensive AI roadmap. For more information on how your organization could use AI to drive a successful business strategy, write to us at to arrange a conversation with our AI Experts.     

“Worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services is forecast to grow 18.4% in 2021 to total $304.9 billion, up from $257.5 billion in 2020.” Gartner

Though indispensable for millennial businesses, cloud and SaaS applications have increased the complexity of user lifecycle management manifold times. User provisioning and de-provisioning, tracking user ids and logins have emerged as the new pain points for IT as organizations innovate and migrate to the cloud. In the changing business landscape,  automatic provisioning has emerged as a viable option for identity and user management.        

Resolving identity and access concerns

Identity and access management (IAM) is a way for organizations to define user’s rights to access and use organization-wide resources. There have been several developments in the last couple of decades for resolving identity and access concerns (in the cloud). 

The Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML) protocol enables the IT admin to set up a single sign-on (SSO) for resources like email, JIRA, CRM, (AD), so that when a user logs in once they can use the same set of credentials for logging in to other services. However, app provisioning or the process of automatically creating user identities and roles in the cloud remained a concern. Even today, many IT teams register users manually. But it is a time-consuming and expensive process. Highly Undesirable, when the actual need is for higher speed. Just-in-Time (JIT) methodology and System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) protocol ushers in a new paradigm for identity management. It regulates the way organizations generate and delete identities. Here, in this blog, we will highlight how JIT and SCIM have redefined identity and access management (IAM). We will also focus on cloud directory service and how it reimagines the future of IAM.     

  1. Just-in-Time (JIT) provisioning

There are many methodologies for managing user lifecycles in web apps; one of them is JIT or Just-in-Time. In simple terms, Just-in-Time (JIT) provisioning enables organizations to provide access to users (elevate user access) so that only they/it can enter the system and access resources and perform specific tasks. The user, in this case, can be human or non-human, and policies are governing the kind of access they are entitled to. 

How it works    

JIT provisioning automates the creation of user accounts for cloud applications. It is a methodology that extends the SAML protocol to transfer user attributes (new employees joining an organization) from a central identity provider to applications (for example, Salesforce or JIRA). Rather than creating a new user within the application, approving their app access, an IT admin can create new users and authorize their app access from the central directory. When a user logs into an app for the first time, those accounts are automatically created in the federated application. This level of automation was not possible before JIT, and each account had to be manually created by an IT administrator or manager. 

  1. System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) 

SCIM is the standard protocol for cross-domain identity management. As IT today is expected to perform like a magician -juggling several balls in the air and ensuring that none falls, SCIM has become exceedingly important as it simplifies IAM. 

SCIM defines the protocol and the scheme for IAM. The protocol defines how user data will be relayed across systems, while the scheme/identity profile defines the entity that could be human or non-human. An API-driven identity management protocol, SCIM standardizes identities between identity and service providers by using HTTP verbs.

Evolution of SCIM

The first version of SCIM was released in 2011 by a SCIM standard working group. As the new paradigm of identity and access management backed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), and with contributions from Salesforce, Google, etc., SCIM transformed the way enterprises build and manage user accounts in web and business applications. SCIM specification allocates a “common user schema” that enables access/exit from apps.  

Why SCIM? 

Next level of automation: SCIM’s relevance in the user life cycle management of B2B SaaS applications is enormous.   

Frees IT from the shackles of tedious and repetitive work: Admins can build new users (in the central directory) with SCIM. Through ongoing sync, they can automate both onboarding and offboarding of users/employees from apps. SCIM frees the IT team from the burden of having to process repetitive user requests. It is possible to sync changes such as passwords and attribute data. 

Let us consider the scenario where an employee decides to leave the organization or is on contract, and their contract has expired. SCIM protocol ensures that the account’s deletion from the central directory accompanies the deletion of identities from the apps. This level of automation was not possible with JIT.  With SCIM, organizations achieve the next level of automation.

  1. Cloud Directory Services

Cloud directory service is another category of IAM solutions that has gained a fair amount of traction recently. Earlier, most organizations were on-prem, and Microsoft Active Directory fulfilled the IAM needs. In contrast, the IT environment has dramatically changed in the last decade. Users are more mobile now, security is a significant concern, and web applications are de facto. Therefore the shift from AD to directory-as-a-service is a natural progression in tune with the changing requirements. It is a viable choice for organizations. Platform agnostic, in the cloud, and diversified, and supporting a wide variety of protocols like SAML, it serves the purpose of modern organizations. These directories store information about devices, users, and groups. IT administrators can simplify their workload and use these for extending access to information and resources.

Platform-agnostic schema: As an HTTP-based protocol that handles identities in multi-domain scenarios, SCIM defines the future of IAM. Organizations are not required to replace the existing user management systems as SCIM acts as a standard interface on top. SCIM specifies a platform-agnostic schema and extension model for users and classes and other resource types in JSON format (defined in RFC 7643). 

Ideal for SaaS: Ideal for SaaS-based apps as it allows administrators to use authoritative identities, thereby streamlining the account management process.

Organizations using internal applications and external SaaS applications are keen to reduce onboarding/deboarding effort/costs. A cloud directory service helps simplify processes while allowing organizations to provision users to other tools such as applications, networks, and file servers. 

It is also a good idea for cloud directories service vendors like Okta, Jumpcloud, OneLogin, and Azure AD to opt for SCIM. They benefit from SCIM adoption, as it makes the management of identities in cloud-based applications more manageable than before. All they need to do is accept the protocol, and seamless integration of identities and resources/privileges/applications is facilitated. Providers can help organizations manage the user life cycle with supported SCIM applications or SCIM interfaced IDPs (Identity Provider).   

How JIT and SCIM differ

As explained earlier, SCIM is the next level of automation. SCIM provisioning automates provisioning, de-provisioning, and management, while JIT automates account development. Organizations need to deprovision users when they leave the organization or move to a different role. JIT does not provide that facility. While the user credentials stop working, the account is not deprovisioned. With SCIM, app access is automatically deleted.     

Though JIT is more common, and more organizations are going forward with JIT implementation, SCIM is in trend. Several cloud directory service providers realizing the tremendous potential of SCIM have accepted the protocol. SCIM, they recognize, is the future of IAM.   

Benefits of SCIM Provisioning

  1. Standardization of provisioning

Every type of client environment is handled and supported by the SCIM protocol. SCIM protocol supports Windows, AWS, G Suite, Office 365, web apps, Macs, and Linux. Whether on-premise or in the cloud, SCIM is ideal for organizations desiring seamless integration of applications and identities. 

  1. Centralization of identity

An enterprise can have a single source of truth, i.e., a common IDP (identity provider), and communicate with the organization’s application and vendor application over SCIM protocol and manage access.

  1. Automation of onboarding and offboarding 

Admins no longer need to create and delete user accounts in different applications manually. It saves time and reduces human errors. 

  1. Ease of compliance 

As there is less manual intervention, compliance standards are higher. Enterprises can control user access without depending upon SaaS providers. Employee onboarding or turnover can be a massive effort if conducted manually. Especially when employees onboard or offboard frequently, the corresponding risks of a data breach are high. Also, as an employee’s profile will change during their tenure, compliance can be a threat if access is not managed correctly. With SCIM, all scenarios described above can be transparently handled in one place.

  1. More comprehensive SSO management

SCIM complements existing SSO protocols like SAML. User authentication, authorization, and application launch from a single point are taken care of with SAML. Though JIT user provisioning with SAML helps provision, it does not take care of complete user life cycle management. SCIM and SAML combination SSO with user management across domains can be easily managed.

SCIM is hard to ignore

Modern enterprises cannot deny the importance of SCIM protocol. According to the latest Request for Comments – a publication from the Internet Society (ISOC) and associated bodies, like the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) – “SCIM intends to reduce the cost and complexity of user management operations by providing a common user schema, an extension model, and a service protocol defined by this document.” Not just in terms of simplifying IAM and enabling users to move in and out of the cloud without causing the IT admin needless worry, SCIM compliant apps can avail the pre-existing advantages like code and tools. 
At Magic FinServ, we realize that the most significant benefit SCIM brings to clients is that it enables them to own their data and identities. It helps IT prioritize their essential functions instead of getting lost in the mire tracking identities and user access. Magic FinServ is committed to ensuring that our clients keep pace with the latest developments in technology. Visit our cloud transformation section to know more.

2020-2021 marked a new epoch in the history of business. For the first time, a massive percentage of the workforce was working from home. While employees struggled to cope with the limitations of working virtually, artificial intelligence (AI) emerged as a reliable partner for enterprises worldwide. With AI, enterprises were assured that business processes were not disrupted due to the scarcity of labor and resources.  

Now that the worst seems over, there are more reasons than ever to invest in AI. AI has been an infallible ally for many organizations in 2020. It helped them meet deadlines and streamline internal operations while eliminating wasteful expenditure. It helped them cope with burgeoning workloads. The impact AI had on employee productivity was significant. By unfettering staff in back and middle offices from the cycle of mundane, repetitive, and tiresome tasks, AI-enabled the workforce to engage in high-value tasks. 

So even as employees return to the office in the coming days,  many organizations will continue to amplify their AI efforts. Wayne Butterfield, director of ISG Automation, a unit of global technology research and advisory firm ISG, attributes this new phenomenon to the powerful impact AI had last year. He says, “As the grip of the pandemic continues to affect the ability of the enterprise to operate, AI in many guises will become increasingly important as businesses seek to understand their COVID- affected data sets and continue to automate day-to-day tasks.”

Indeed, in the banking and financial sector, the benefits driven by AI in the past year were monumental. It ensured frictionless interactions, cut repetitive work by half, and reduced error, bias, and false positives – the result of human fallacies – significantly. What organizations got was a leaner and more streamlined, and efficient organization. So there is no question that the value driven by AI in domains like finance and banking, which rely heavily on processes, will only continue to grow in the years to come. 

Setting pace for innovation and change

The pandemic has redefined digital. With enterprises becoming more digitally connected than ever before, it is AI that helps them stay operational. As a report from the Insider indicates, there will be significant savings in the middle, back, and front office operations if AI is incorporated. Automation of middle-office tasks can lead to savings of $70 billion by 2025. The sum total of expected cost savings from AI applications is estimated at $447 billion by 2023. Of this, the front and middle office will account for $416 billion of the aggregate.  

That AI will set the pace for innovation and change in the banking and financial services sector is all but guaranteed. The shift towards digital had started earlier; the pandemic only accelerated the pace. So here are some of the key areas where Fintechs and banks are using AI :   

  • Document Processing  
  • Invoice processing
  • Cyber Security
  • Onboarding/KYC 

Document processing with AI 

Enterprises today are sitting on a data goldmine that comes from sources as diverse as enterprise applications, public/private data sets, and social media. However, data in its raw form is of no use. Data, whether it is in textual, pdfs, spreadsheets, have to be classified, segregated, summarized and converted into formats (JSON, etc.) that can be understood by machines and processes before they can be of use to the organization. 

Earlier, image recognition technologies such as OCR were used for document processing. However, their scope is limited given that organizations deal with humongous amounts of data in diverse formats including print, and handwritten, all of which are not recognizable with OCR. Document processing platforms have a distinct advantage over traditional recognition technologies such as OCR and ICR. The system is trained first using data sets, and a core knowledge base is created. In time the knowledge base expands, and the tool develops the ability to self-learn and recognize content and documents. This is achieved through the feedback or re-training loop mechanism under human supervision. Realizing that artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision can play a pivotal role in document processing, organizations are increasingly relying on these to enhance the efficiency of many front and back-office processes.  

Invoice Processing and AI

Covid-19 has intensified the need for automated Accounts Payable processes. Organizations that were earlier relying on manual and legacy systems for invoice processing were caught off-guard as employees were forced to work from home. Ensuring timely delivery on payment approvals became a challenge due to archaic legacy practices and an increasing number of constraints. Then there was the question of enhanced visibility into outstanding payments. All this led to chaos in invoice processing. A lot of frayed tempers and missed deadlines.

A major chunk of invoice processing tasks is related to data entry. Finance and accounts personnel shift through data that comes from sources such as fax, paper, and e-mail. But a study on 1000 US workers reiterated that no one likes data entry. The survey indicated that a whopping 70 percent of the employees were okay if data entry and other such mundane tasks were automated. With automated invoice processing, it is possible to capture invoices from multiple channels. Identify and extract data (header and lines) using validation and rules. And best in time, with little human supervision, become super proficient in identifying relevant information. It can also do matching and coding.  Magic FinServ’s Machine Learning algorithm correctly determined General Ledger code to correctly tag the invoice against an appropriate charge code and finally, using RPA, was able to insert the code on the invoice.    

Banks and other financial services stand to gain a lot by automating invoice processing. 

  • By automating invoice processing with artificial intelligence, organizations can make it easier for the finance staff and back-office team to concentrate on cash-generating processes instead of entering data as -a typical administration function. 
  • Automating the accounts payable process for instance, can help the finance teams focus on tasks that generate growth and opportunities. 
  • An automated invoice processing provides enhanced visibility into payments and approvals.
  • It speeds up the invoice processing cycle considerably as a result; there are no irate vendors
  • It makes it easier to search and retrieve invoices.      

Cyber Security and AI

Cybersecurity has become a prime concern with the enterprises increasing preference for cloud and virtualization. Cybersecurity concerns became graver during Covid-19 as the workforce, including software developing teams, started working from home. As third parties and vendors were involved in many processes as well, it became imperative for organizations to ensure extreme caution while working in virtualized environments. Experiences from the past have taught us that data breaches spell disaster for an organization’s reputation. We need to look no further than Panera bread and Uber to realize how simple code left in haste can alter the rules of the game. Hence a greater impetus for the shift left narrative where security is driven in the DevOps lifecycle instead of as an afterthought. The best recourse is to implement an AI-driven DevOps solution. With AI baked into the development lifecycle, organizations can accelerate the development lifecyc in the present and adapt to changes in the future with ease.

Onboarding/KYC and AI

One of the biggest challenges for banks is customer onboarding and KYC. In the course of the KYC, or onboarding banks have to handle thousands, sometimes even millions of documents. And if that were not enough, they also have to take account of exhaust data and the multiple compliances and regulatory standards. No wonder then that banks and financial institutions often fall short of meeting the deadlines. Last year, as the Covid-19 crisis loomed large, it was these tools powered with AI and enabled with machine learning that helped accelerate paperwork processes. These digitize documents and extract data from it. And as the tool evolves with time, it makes it easier for the organization to extract insights from it. 

Let us take the example of one prominent Insurtech company that approached Magic FinServ for the resolution of KYC challenges. The company wanted to reduce the time taken for conducting a KYC and for SLAs roll-out of new policies gained confidence and customer appreciation as Magic’s “soft template” based solution augmented by Artificial Intelligence provided them the results they wanted.  

Tipping point

Though banks and financial institutions were inclining towards the use of AI for making their processes robust, the tipping point was the pandemic. The pandemic made many realize that it was now or never. This is evident from the report by the management solutions provider OneStream. The report observed that the use of AI tools like machine learning had jumped from about 20% of enterprises in 2020 to nearly 60% in 2021. Surprisingly, analytics firms like FICO and Corinium that a majority of top executives (upwards 65%) do not know how AI works. 

At Magic FinServ, our endeavor is to ensure that the knowledge percolates enterprise-wide. Therefore, our implementation journey starts with a workshop wherein our team of AI engineers showcases the work they have done and then engages in an insightful session where they try to identify the areas where opportunities exist and the deterrents. Thereafter comes the discovery phase, where our team develops a prototype. Once the customer gives the go-ahead as they are confident about our abilities to meet expectations, we implement the AI model that integrates with the existing business environment. A successful implementation is not the end of the journey as we keep identifying new areas of opportunities so that true automation at scale can be achieved.     

Catering to Banks and FinTechs: Magic FinServ’s unique AI optimization framework    

At Magic FinServ, we have a unique AI Optimization framework that utilizes structured and unstructured data to build tailored solutions that reduce the need for human intervention. Our methodology powered by AI-ML-NLP and Computer vision provides 70% efficiency in front and middle office platforms and processes. Many of our AI applications for Tier 1 investment, FinTechs, Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, and InsuranceTech companies have driven bottom and top-line dividends for the businesses in question. We ensure that our custom-built applications integrate seamlessly into the existing systems and adhere to all regulatory compliance measures ensuring agility. 

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